Telegram, a well-known alternative to WhatsApp, has consistently been enhancing its feature set to cater to its active user base. In a recent update, Telegram has introduced a range of new features, including improvements to its Stories feature, designed to offer premium users a broader array of capabilities. Here’s a breakdown of what you should be aware of:
New Telegram Features:
- Reaction Stickers and Music in Stories: Telegram’s latest features enable users to incorporate reaction stickers and music into their Stories, akin to WhatsApp’s functionality. This enhancement grants users greater creative freedom for their Stories.
- View-Once Feature: Telegram has introduced a View-Once feature, reminiscent of WhatsApp’s vanishing messages. Users can now dispatch photos and videos that automatically disappear once they’ve been viewed, enhancing privacy and security.
- Boosting Channels: Premium users have the privilege to boost their preferred channels within the instant messaging app. With a Premium subscription, users receive one boost that they can apply to any channel of their choice. This boost not only supports channels but also allows them to post one additional story per day to their subscribers’ story feeds.
- Adding Audio Tracks: Telegram now permits users to include audio tracks in their stories. These can be music or voiceovers that enhance the storytelling experience. Users can also incorporate custom sounds by navigating to the sticker panel, selecting sounds, and then their desired audio file, which can be easily adjusted within the story.
- Self-Destructing Media: In a manner akin to WhatsApp, Telegram now allows users to send photos in individual chats with a self-destruct timer. Users can set a duration of 1 to 30 seconds for the media file, ensuring its permanent removal after the specified time has elapsed.
- Device Sign-In Alerts: Telegram has introduced an added layer of security by notifying users when someone signs in from a new device. This feature enhances security by keeping users informed about their account activity and potential security risks.
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These new features underscore Telegram’s commitment to continuous improvement and innovation, offering users a more dynamic and secure messaging experience.